- Maximize gains by working muscles through their Full Range Of Motion (ROM) with Rotational Movement. Full Range Of Motion exercises are critical to achieve the greatest gains in muscular development. And rotational movement is the only way to achieve full range of motion. (Read more about ROM and Rotational Movement below)
- Expand the functionality of existing cable exercise equipment. Trak Fitness cable attachments allow users to perform multi-plane exercise movements which cannot be performed with any other cable attachments to the restrictive nature of other attachments.
- Improve neuromuscular efficiency and minimize kinetic chain dysfunction & injury caused by standard cable attachments. Standard cable attachments and exercise handles restrict rotational and multi-plane movements and prevent proper alignment of the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints. These restrictions force the user into faulty movement patterns that can lead to muscle imbalance, poor neuromuscular control and arthrokinetic dysfunction which can lead to pain and injury to the joints and ligaments. The TrakHandle Sport and other Trak Fitness cable attachments are the only cable attachments that allow ergonomically movement and minimize repetitive stress injuries. ( about the problems with existing cable handles.)
- Reduces Cost. The TrakHandle Sport outlasts typical handles by several lifetimes which is why TrakFitness backs it with a 3 year warranty.